These Articles with Let You Know The Meaning Of Bayon Faces & History Of Cambodia

“To understand Cambodia, go to Siem Reap – where the Khmer dynasty’s past is located, the image of the current Kingdom of Cambodia and the future of Cambodia.”

Siem Reap is one of Cambodia’s three largest cities, but sparsely populated by only a few hundred thousand people, located northwest of Tonle Sap Lake (Great Lake). Siem Reap for the past 20 years has become an indispensable destination for Indochina tours of international tourists, accounting for 85% of tourists coming to Cambodia, because it preserves the ancient Khmer royal ruins with the population complex. Mysterious Angkor is housed in hundreds of temples and pagodas, considered one of the seven wonders of humanity and was recognized as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1992. Siem Reap is also a city with a nightlife bustling, different from the quiet day, as a unique feature that brings many feelings to visitors here.

From the capital of Phnom Penh, traveling over 300km (6 hours driving), through two provinces of Cong Pong Cham and Cong Pong Thom to Siem Reap for Siem Reap Cycling, another 7km from the city center to Angkor Wat ruins , Angkor Thom that Vietnamese people used to call Emperor Thien, De Thich. “See Angkor and not die yet”, not coincidentally, in brochures introducing Cambodian Angkor’s population emphasize this slogan.

Angkor is a mysterious and mysterious architectural complex, as belonging to the world of the gods, each stone, every statue, every root of the tree, as if it contains stories of human aspirations from the past. to the present and the future. The population of Angkor is 40km2, consists of 4 major works: Angkor Thom, Angkor Wat, Bayon and Ta Prohm temples, in addition to some other ruins such as Preah Khan, Roulos, Banteay Srei, Phnom Bakeng … Phnom Bakeng temple is the earliest date – around 900, Angkor Wat was built in the first half of the 12th century, the Bayon temple and the wall of Angkor Thom was built around the end of the 12th century when King Jayavarman VII, Banteay Srei . By the fifteenth century (1431), this place became a city.

Ankor Thom – the great city – was built between 1181-1220. Into a square, each length is 3km. The wall has 5 gates to the west, south and north, separate to the east wall, there are two gates: Victory Gate and Dead Gate. Two rows of stone statues lead into the south gate – the gate for elephants and horses, 54 statues per row: On the left is the god, on the right is the devil. Angkor Thom Center is the Bayon temple tower, each tower is sculpted with 4 human faces with 4 sides, 54 towers including 216 stone faces and mysterious smiles containing many secrets that challenge humanity to find meaning…

Angkor Wat with the symbols of 3 gods governing: God Brahma – god of creation and master of all gods; god Vishnu – god of preservation; god Shiva – god of destruction and rebirth. Angkor Wat is square, within 8m high wall, 1m thick, each side is 1.5km, there are 5 big towers in the middle, the highest central tower: 65m, in addition to 7 rounds of towers, symbolizing 7 sacred mountain ranges Meru, around the wall is a moat covering 190m wide … The main temple has 398 rooms, exquisite stone sculpture, depicting the Indian epic Mahabharata and Raymana in the ceiling, hallways, railings …

The Taprohm Temple is also known as the Queen’s tomb. This is the most romantic temple in the Angkor complex, built by King Jayavarman VII in 1186 to commemorate his mother Jayaraja Chudanami in the form of the Guan Yin Bodhisattva and the statue of the king named Jayamangalartha. Both statues are placed in the temple. The architecture is wild and mysterious by ancient trees, with large roots covering the towers.

There is also a mysterious hallway, which goes inside, if you tap your chest lightly, you will hear very strong echoes through the walls. Taprohm Temple was chosen by Hollywood as the backdrop for the famous “Ancient Tomb Secret” movie star Angelina Jolie starring. And that is why this temple attracts tourists to come here to see the real scenery of this adventure movie.

It is a small city with narrow streets, many trees, many old houses under French architecture in the early 20th century, quite quiet. Without a high-rise building, the city government controlled the height of the houses, no hotels were built more than 5 floors, without any buildings higher than the height of Angkor Wat.

It seems that all day activities of the city are concentrated in the area of ​​Angkor monuments. Tourists visit Siem Reap to visit Angkor every year, gradually increasing, each year is 30% higher than the previous year, in 2010 it is estimated that this place alone welcomes more than 2 million visitors to visit.

There are three types of entrance tickets: 20USD / day, 40USD / 3 days and 60USD / 7 days for foreigners, while Cambodians are more than half the price (1USD / 4,000 riel / 20,000VND). The professionalization of visitor management is a closed technology, ensuring no loss of fees, keeping the monument’s security and above all serving the most favorable visitors. When entering the door, very quickly, people take and print photos of guests on the ticket, this ticket will be used in time depending on the price and can travel throughout the Angkor monuments.

If you do not take the tour, you can rent a tour guide at the price of 40USD / day, or rent by hour, with the price ranging from 5-10USD / hour. In Siem Reap, there are a variety of guides that speak Khmer, English, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. If you do not hire guides, finding the visitors guide documents is also not missing. Most tourists from the US, Asia and European countries come to Siem Reap through professionally organized communication activities. Not only in publications, brochures, but also on the website

Siem Reap has a lot of small hotels, with a very small price, which is very affordable for tourists “backpackers”, like my hotel room in Charle De Gaule neighborhood, single room with full amenities like refrigerator , air conditioning, television, hot water … US $ 10 / night. But Siem Reap also has 6 – 7 luxury hotels of 4 – 5 stars, the price per night is 675USD in Amansara, 340USD at Sofitel, 300USD at La Résident d’Angkor …, VIP room, up to 2,000 USD / night, ready to meet wealthy high-class guests. Food in Siem Reap is not very popular, perhaps because it is a tourist city, so the price is also “tourist”.

A bowl of noodle soup in Nam Vang costs 1 USD, but to eat a lunch or dinner with 3 dishes: Soup, salty, stir-fry and rice take about 10USD, or eat a “popular” western dish of fast food also lost from 3 -5USD. Drinks are also quite expensive, one bottle of Angkor beer costs 2-3USD, cocktail drinks, smoothies are the lowest price of 3USD / glass …

… and when the sunset falls

After finishing a day watching the Angkor complex by “ritual” to greet the sunset falling to Angkor in the temple area of ​​Phnom Bakeng, it is time to mix yourself in Siem Reap when only the lights remain. If you like to rent a tuktuk with 5USD / 5 people, make a round of city tour, but the destination of almost all visitors to Siem Reap is Phsar Chas – Old Market – Old market, with hundreds of booths There is almost everything that serves guests, from shopping, apparel, dining, relaxation …

In the daytime, the market is almost exclusively for Cambodians to buy and sell oddly, but when it gets dark, the market is like a crowded, bustling west street. Especially in this place, many souvenir items cost only 1USD, from a traditional Cambodian plaid scarf, to a pull shirt printed with Angkor’s image, a key chain with a female figure Apsara …, but also There are valuable items that can reach from a few thousand to a few tens of thousands or more, which are precious stones, especially rubies bearing the famous Bor name of Cambodia. The interesting thing here is that the stalls sell everything the owner has, from spices to towels, shirts and pictures of art …

Another tourist attraction is the neighborhood next to Phsar Chas, the name “Pub Street”. This is a neighborhood full of bars, luxurious and polite European – Asian restaurants. Most pubs here are open all day, but only really operate from 17-24 hours, from 19 hours onwards, people forbid vehicles passing through this road. On both sides of the road, the seats were placed close to the sidewalk, after a day of sightseeing, shopping, and rent, now for eating – drinking – listening – looking …

No customer is absent and guests are almost foreigners. Here you can find all kinds of cuisine from Khmer, Thai, Indian, Malaysian, Vietnamese, Italian, French, American KFC … without anything. The shops often have their own bands, singers are Cambodian and foreign, the dancers sing foreign music, Khmer music …, there are still some LCD TV screens of a few hundred inches so visitors can watch direct international football … Not only enjoy the famous wines of foreign countries, thot wine here is very popular …

When I left Siem Reap, there were two things that impressed me most. The entire complex of Angkor’s monuments is large, but no trash is found, though in a hidden tree cavity in the dark. And the stalls selling souvenirs only in Cambodia, especially pictures of art and brochures about Cambodia … Suddenly thinking of Vietnam tourism, not a little disappointed.

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3 thoughts on “Cambodia Travel Experience”
  1. Макс Мара — культовый итальянский модный бренд, основанный в середине XX века Акилле Марамотти. Модный дом обрёл эталоном безупречного стиля и качества.
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